CIDS launches first research report showing regulatory reconstruction in the care sector

10 January, 2023

Care work has been an issue that has taken center stage in political discussions in recent years. The Center for Research in Law and Society, in collaboration with the municipality of Peñalolén, promoted a socio-legal research on care policy and the situation of the rights of people in a state of dependency, as well as those of their main caregivers.

Within the framework of this project, the initiative arose to launch periodic research reports on the results obtained. The first one was launched in December 2022, and it gives an account of the normative reconstruction in terms of care, as a way of introducing the topic for the exposition of the next findings. This is a way of bringing the research closer to the general public, so that topics and results are presented in a summarized and simple way.

This first report is the result of the work done by assistants of the Center, together with interns who accompanied us for the first semester.

You can download the report here ⬇️

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