Qualitative research training sessions for CIDS members

6 September, 2022

Research assistants and professors met in two training sessions on qualitative research conducted by the Center for Research in Law and Society, which aimed to bring and update knowledge from a practical approach.

During the first two weeks of August, the team of research assistants of the Center participated in training sessions on qualitative research. The sessions were led by Josefina Gambardella, a sociology student, together with Felipe Águila, a sociologist, both participants of the Center. The presentations focused on the fundamentals of qualitative research, its benefits and the possible methods to be employed. In addition, methodologies such as interviewing and ethnography were discussed in depth. Practical exercises were carried out to apply what was learned and receive collective feedback.

Andrea Sifaqui, research assistant and graduate in legal sciences, commented that “it is essential to have quality training with an interdisciplinary approach in the area of research. The training that we conducted at CIDS not only fulfilled the objective of providing the necessary knowledge, but also of understanding the theoretical and practical context in which the interviews necessary to conduct the research must be carried out. This context is necessary to use such an essential research tool as the interview.

Pedro Pucher, a law student, mentioned that “the CIDS training was very helpful for us because, in addition to providing the necessary knowledge to conduct the interviews for the Chile Cuida program, it was very didactic, which made it very easy to understand and learn the different research methods that exist in the field of sociology and law”.

Research assistants with CIDS Deputy Director Mayra Feddersen.

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